Everything your project needs in one place.

We offer various services to suit your needs

UAV Photogrammetry

Our UAVs are exceptionally efficient in data collection. They can cover large areas quickly and capture high-resolution imagery, 2.5D-3D models, and other valuable data in a fraction of the time it would take using traditional methods.

This increased efficiency leads to quicker project turnaround times and lower labor costs. For industries like agriculture, real estate, and urban planning, our UAV technology allows clients to make more informed decisions, plan projects with greater accuracy, and meet tight deadlines more easily

Orthomosaic Maps

The maps we produce are high quality Orthomosaic Maps. These are large maps that are made up of smaller orthophotos. Each aerial photo that is captured is pinned to a geographic position for referencing.

Comparison of UAV map vs Google map of the same area


Google Map

Orthomosaic Maps Usage

Environmental Monitoring

Capturing changes in vegetation. Creating remote sensing maps to identify encroachment of invasive species. Identifying soil erosion patterns. Viewing changes in the landscape over time. Evaluating habitat conditions of protected species. Analyzing water levels


Farmers, ranchers, academic programs, and government agencies can utilize our services to: Assess crop health. Yield estimation. Improve crop yields and sustainability. Compare conditions from prior periods. Test different seeds, fertilizers, and soils. Count livestock

Engineering and Construction

Whether designing for the private sector or government projects, architects, engineers, and contractors can use our mapping services to gather: Site access details, Infrastructure measurements. Measurements to estimate material costs. Progress photos of construction sites. Inspection photos after building completion.

Tourism and Hospitality

Ideal for hotels, resorts, and tourist sites UCV videography services are ideal for capturing breathtaking aerial views of their properties and attractions, helping them promote Jamaica as a tourist destination.

Real Estate

Aerial photography and videography can showcase properties, giving potential buyers a unique perspective on commercial and residential properties.

Telecommunications, Utilities and Aggregate

Our UAVs are exceptionally efficient in data collection. They can cover large areas quickly and capture high-resolution imagery, 2.5D-3D models, and other valuable data in a fraction of the time it would take using traditional methods.

A pre-planned flight example – Sabina Park, Kingston, Jamaica
Waypoints, Façade, orbit – This will produce an Orthomosaic Map, detailed 3D render of the stadium and stands. 

Stockpile Volumetric Measurements – Lucas Park, Kingston, Jamaica
With high resolution orthophotos enable us to perform highly accurate distance and surface measurements.

Thermal Imaging

Accurate Monitoring

Enable accurate monitoring of the conditions of the surface to be inspected. This is useful in identifying problems and faults and can help make informed decisions about maintenance and repair.

More Accurate Data

We will provide accurate, high-quality data that can be used to identify problems and improve efficiency.

Improved Safety

We can inspect tall and dangerous structures. This reduces the risk of injury to workers/contractors and minimizes the costs associated with accidents.